Friday, September 19, 2008

HGTV Is Addicting

I get a lot of Friday's off from work, and today I am home catching up on things I didn't get around to, during my busy week.

In between homework, test taking, practicing songs for choir and worship team, housework, and taking Mandy to lunch, I sat down to watch a little HGTV.

I have decided that I know what is so addicting about HGTV. Although it is very exiting to see how you can completely change a house without spending a fortune, there is one thing that brings women back over and over again.


I totally get it!!!
The man is HOT!!! He's 6'2", People Magazine featured him in the 2003 "Sexiest Men Alive" edition, and he knows how to freakin fix things!!! Could anyone ask for anything more in a man???

Where was he when I was that young and that single? They would be featuring me as the wife of the sexiest man alive in People if he were around back in the day.

Women tune in to HGTV to see him in action. They tune in all of the time hoping that he might even pop up in a commercial.
Well, I'm not so old that I don't appreciate real beauty when I see it.

So the up side to the addiction is that you might actually learn something about doing some handy work around the house or designing a nice living space.

He is the reason so many women say, "Carter Can!"

It's a total win, win situation!

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